The brave spartan!

What an incredible instrument!

You’ll be no doubt wondering why we call it brave though.

Besides the fact that it is carrying the name of the bravest of all Greeks, the martial artists and puritan fighters from SPARTA, the SPARTAN, its because this is the first time EVER that such a design has not only been attempted, but actually delivered upon in such an incredible way!

You see, the Spartan has no pickup switch!

There is no way to switch the Neck to Bridge or both.

So how is this done then?

Through a very clever use of dual pots, the neck and bridge pickups can be perfectly blended to any combination both in volume as well as tone.

If that wasn’t enough to create endless tonal opportunities, both of these pots are also Push/Pull which provide Out of Phase and Series / Parallel combinations also.

That’s unheard of ever before in the history of Guitars!

But there’s more to the bravery in design! The pickups are single coils that are beautifully balanced and created by Dominger Custom Pickups in USA.

Given also that there are no brackets or pickup rings, the pickups are screwed direct into the body wood. Besides being very Spartan, no pun intended, this means that the pickups resonate directly with the wood and create the sustain that this guitar enjoys.

The body shape is double cutaway, and the long slender neck has a rich Ebony fretboard and 22 stainless frets. The guitar’s finish is a Gold Swirl that was produce via a dipping process to provide the random swirling effect.

Rich coats of our custom Danish Oil blend cover the entire guitar and provide a satin beauty as well as protection for a very long time.

Click through to the gallery here to see more pics of this innovative instrument.

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